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The benefits of Team Sports for Children

Are you considering signing your kids up for a team sport because they have a lot of energy to spare? Don't wait any longer, now is the time to do it. There's no doubt that team sports have many benefits for children well into adulthood.


It’s all about health

The most obvious benefit of practising a sport, whether individually or as part of a team, is health related. By simply participating in sports, your child stays active and avoids a sedentary life. Not only will this result in physical, but also psychological benefits, because health is not only physical; it is also mental.

Physical benefits

At the physical level, team sports help develop several skills such as:

  • Coordination
  • Strength
  • Speed
  • Balance
  • Flexibility

Basically, this type of activity allows them to develop their "motor patterns", i.e. the way they will perform certain actions such as running, walking, jumping, climbing and throwing throughout their lives.  Their joints will be moving and ward off many diseases and injuries caused by a sedentary lifestyle.

Psychological benefits

Though team sport gets you moving and provides a host of benefits to the body, its psychological impact should not be overlooked. Being around other kids their own age will give your child the opportunity to make new friends. Through friendships and constant interaction with teammates and coaches, the child will develop social skills such as:

  • Listening
  • Collaboration
  • Mutual aid
  • Respect for others
  • Trust

In addition, team sports also help enhance your child's self-esteem while introducing them to teamwork. Whether it's breaking a personal record, making a pass, scoring a goal or any other athletic accomplishment, it will have a positive impact on their mental health and allow them to believe in their abilities. Besides this, many children also develop a sense of leadership or a high level of problem-solving skills. Not to mention the additional benefit of improving body image.

Team sports such as hockey, baseball or basketball will also build your child's trust in others. In order to achieve the common goal of their team, children will understand that they need to trust and rely on others and that collective needs must take precedence over individual aspirations.


Introducing children to the rules and techniques of a sport in order to achieve a targeted goal can teach them self-discipline. This ability is very useful both on and off the playground. It will also teach them that working hard is useful for achieving a goal in life in general.

Healthy habits

Enrolling a child in a team sport is mostly about instilling a healthy habit of physical activity and benefits that will continue into adulthood. In this way, sport will become an integral part of their life and will never be seen as an extra effort to be included in an already busy routine. It goes without saying that practising a sport for several years will always keep them active.

Think of team sports as a society in miniature. Your child will learn to interact with different individuals while working with them to achieve goals. Playing a team sport is more than just moving, it is a way of life, and above all a learning experience that will have a long-term impact on one's life.