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Children’s benefits of returning to school sports.

Children’s benefits of returning to school sports

Days are getting shorter, and as the summer is coming to an end, teens and children will soon go back to school. Routine and school sports are just around the corner. Even if they remained active all summer, returning to school or recreational sports brings a multitude of benefits to our youth.

 As we know, it’s no secret that sport has a positive impact on an adult’s life. However, an active child or teen will allow their future adult self to not only be fit and healthy, but also to enjoy all the benefits at short and long term of being active at a young age.

 Healthy development

Sport in general goes far beyond physical activity. The sports that your children will practice throughout the school year will give them the opportunity to improve their motor skills and work their muscles. Any physical activity therefore allows your children to develop in a healthy way while improving coordination, posture, agility, balance, power, endurance and flexibility, which are all important things to ensure healthy development for children and teens.

 More than just physical

Of course, sport affects physical health of children and teens at this very moment, but it also offers emotional benefits. Adolescence is a difficult time where self-esteem develops widely and where sport can be an important ally. Being physically active will increase the teenager's confidence in order for them to have a positive relationship with their body

 In addition, practicing a sport reduces stress for both children and teens. Why? Simply because the body produces serotonin and endorphins, neurotransmitters that promote a state of well-being and a better mood regulation. As for anxiety, it is rather the neurotransmitter GABA that has a positive effect on it.

 Group effect

School sport, whether individual or not, offers the opportunity to meet new people. The immediate effect of this is to prevent isolation. The child and the adolescent learn to interact with others and develop their social skills. This will serve them as an adult. Moreover, being in a group creates a great sense of belonging to the school, which can have a positive impact on the student’s academic performance.

 School success

Several lessons learned as part of a sport practice can be applied in classrooms. By participating in a sport, the student must memorize rules as well as sequences of movements. Not to mention the quick decision making skills. All of this can be applied beautifully in ones academic career, homework and all related challenges. But that's not all. Besides these learnings, sports offer other benefits such as moving and stress reduction, creating the best possible conditions to succeed in school.

 While it is recommended to move at least 60 minutes a day for both children and teenager, the key is to stay active. School sports make it possible to do so without derogating from family planning because they are part of the school routine. This makes it easier for everyone. Why do without when moving is so easy and so positive?